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Welcome to Baofeng Support! October 19, 2014. This is a collection of known resources for the popular UV-5R and other models of Baofeng two way radios. The mission of this site is to scour the web for all things Baofeng and organize them into one central page so you can quickly and easily find what you need to get and stay on the air with your radio. Fujian Nanan Baofeng Electronic Co.
Monday, March 05, 2018. I shot my Cimarron 1873 Sporting Rifle with my . 44-40 handloads of bullets cast in the Accurate 43-215C mold on top of 35 grains of Goex 3Fg black powder in Starline brass. Cleanup of my rifle afterwards was a snap.
HAM RADIO AT ITS BEST IN THE LAKES AREA OF BRAINERD, MN, USA. RF Safety Calculator FCC Bulletin 65. The BAARC is an active group. We have a special program or event at each of our monthly membership meetings and informal breakfast get-togethers twice a month. Check out our many repeaters! March 3, 2018.
Oregon Back Country Discovery Route Maps from OOHVA. As you peer inside one of the bound manuals, you see that.
After the devastating Northern California wildfires, I found myself looking at AirNow. Feel free to use, improve, contribute to it.
Global leader in data over sound. Chirp is connecting millions of devices for leading brands in over 90 countries. The whole interaction takes place with no network connection. The transmission can use audible or inaudible ultrasound tones. A giant step forward in the field of data over sound with increased data rates, added variable length broadcasts and polyphonic encoding.
Walk through a wine-producing vineyard. Relax alongside a bubbling creek in a spacious outdoor living room. Mosey with the Monarchs in an official Monarch Butterfly Way Station. Water features, garden art, and IDEAS! .
Helen Tseng is a designer and illustrator. She lives in San Francisco with a magical cat. I drew an editorial illustration for a piece on food sensitivities. She writes awesome books for teen girls about awesome teen girls doing awesome things, which we still need so much more of. On Tuesday, Katie guested on my BFF. Vivian Apple at the End of the World. Collaborated on a limited edition pair of designer sunglasses.
Добре дошли във фото галерията на град Чирпан. Град Чирпан е разположен в Горнотракийската низина. Различните исторически документи свидетелстват за съществуването на град Чирпан още от дълбока древност. Официален празник на град Чирпан е 6 септември. Не са малко личностите с които град Чирпан се гордее. Особено ярка и магнетична е личността на Пейо Крачолов Яворов. Яворов е гениален поет, самоотвержен революционер и виден общественик.
Териториално и селищно устройство и инвеститорски контрол. Общинска собственост, Европейски програми и проекти. Образование, култура, социални дейности и екология. Обществени поръчки архив до 31. Регистър на площадки за отпадъци. Местна комисия за борба с противообществени прояви.